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Contact Fused

If you run into trouble that requires another set of eyes or some assistance, do not hesitate to reach out to us.


Note that the Fused team will never request your passwords via phone or text. Periodically, in extreme circumstances we may request during support emails, but only after you've initiated a support request with us that requires said password.

Never would we ask at random.

Fused's outbound contacts

Phone Numbers

Here are a list of numbers we periodically use when reaching out to you. All other numbers should be deemed non-authoritative, and, even in the instance of these numbers it never hurts to be wary (in case of spoofing).

Number in E.164 format Alternate Formats Description
18445610777 +18445610777 Outbound SMS notifications regarding issues like bulk email authorization requests
14234361415 (423) 436-1415 Outbound team calls
18884047483 (888) 404-7483 Outbound office calls
14045851884 (619) 800-0314 Outbound office calls from David


Note that the Fused team will never request your passwords via phone or text. Periodically, and only in extreme circumstances we may request during support emails, but only after you've initiated a support request with us that requires said password. Never would we ask at random.

Fused Outbound Email

Address Description General support inquiries & service notices. Includes client area, helpdesk & our internal communication system