What is WHOIS¶
The short version (without getting into all the technicalities, which you can parse on wikipedia is that for every domain registration, your information is stored and available for lookup. This applies to almost all domain names & extensions.
By default, any domain name you register through Fused has your billing account details published publicly.
Privacy concerns¶
If you're concerned about privacy, spam or stalkers, we'll happily adjust your domain name to reflect our contact information at no charge. Simply contact us & we can make those changes.
WHOIS Changes¶
Beginning December 1st, 2016, changing WHOIS details for a domain name via our client area will result in a domain name being locked for 60 days preventing transfer to another registrar. ICANN instituted this optional policy to prevent domain name theft. During the 60 day window, Fused does not have the ability to unlock a domain name for transfer.
Periodically Verify your WHOIS details¶
Periodically, it's recommended you verify what we currently have published for you & your various domain registrations.
Verifying your whois details via the Fused client area¶
- Start by logging into our client area at https://clients.fused.com/clientarea.php
- Navigate to domains.
- Next to the relevant domain, select the dropdown next to the wrench icon, & select
Edit Contact Information
The most important part is ensuring you have a valid 'registrant' email address.
For windows, you'll need an optional tool: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/whois.aspx
For mac & linux, whois
is available natively via terminal/your respective shell.