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Stopping WordPress comment spam

Preventing comment spam doesn't need to be hard, and the smart folks over at Automattic (the people behind WordPress) make it surprisingly easy with Akismet.

Since Akismet is installed with every installation of WordPress, all you need to do it activate it & you'll save countless hours not having to deal with spam. More time to blog!

Activate Akismet within WordPress

Log in to your WordPress Dashboard Click on Plugins Once the page reloads, click Activate in the Akismet Plugin section Login to your WordPress Dashboard

Activate Your Akismet Account

Next, click the gigantic Activate your Akismet account button Login to your WordPress Dashboard

Next, click the I already have a key link Login to your WordPress Dashboard

Enter Your Akismet API Key:

Akismet Key

Fused has subscribed to an Enterprise Akismet license that we can use for sites we host. Any active Fused customer can use the API key.

Get in touch for a copy of the Akismet API key.

Enter the API key into the Akismet API Key field. Click the Save Changes button. Login to your WordPress Dashboard

That's it! You're all done.

In addition to the peace of mind from knowing Akismet is keeping a watchful eye for spam, you'll now have an Akismet Stats page in your Dashboard to peruse at your leisure.